Libertarianism. Contents

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1. Introduction

2. Philosophical Antecedents

Locke on Natural Rights, Political Society, Resistance, and Toleration
Hume on Principles for Cooperation to Mutual Advantage
Mill on the Utilitarian Case for Liberty
Spencer on the Greatest Happiness Principle and the Law of Equal Freedom

3. Libertarian Foundations

Nozick on the Separateness of Persons, Moral Side Constraints, and Rights
Hayek on Social Order, Freedom, and the Rules of Just Conduct

4. Economic Justice and Property Rights

Nozick on Historical Entitlement, Property Rights, and the Lockean Proviso
Hayek on Social Justice versus the True Function of Market Remuneration

Bonus: Further Philosophical Roads to Libertarianism

Steiner’s Left-Libertarian Principles of Justice
Lomasky’s Rational Norms for Personal Project Pursuers
Rasmussen and Den Uyl’s Meta-Norms for Flourishing Individuals
Schmidtz’s Pluralist and Indirect Consequentialist Theory of Justice
Consequentialist Approaches and Strict Enough Compliance

5. Objections: Internal and External

Anarchy, the No Taxation Minimal State, and the Taxation Minimal State
Rawls’ Critique of Libertarianism
Murphy and Nagel on the Illusions and Confusions of Libertarianism
G. A. Cohen’s Anti-Capitalist Egalitarianism
